Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Photographic Memories

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I had started to scan the best of my photo collection onto the PC as a sort of backup, - as well as making it available for easy viewing. When I started, I knew it would be a long and slow process, but I hadn't counted on the emotional ride it would take me on.

It's strange how we take photos look at them and then stuff them into boxes, never to be seen again. Some of the pictures I've been going through have only been seen the once, and that's a shame. The memories, these pictures have brought back have been startling. The picture of my Uncle John with his brother, my Dad, over from Australia for a visit. They are sitting on a grassy bank watching a display at the Wirral show with Bethen, my daughter sitting in the middle beaming her head off. Beautiful picture, but sad. Shortly after returning to Australia, Uncle John died.

Other pictures include Dad's other siblings, my Auntie Margaret and Uncle Norman, both also now died, others include pictures of my wife's family and relations now departed sad memories.

But other memories are much happier, - the girls as babies, other people who were important to me in the past. Places that have and hold memories both good and bad. This project, which at the rate I'm going, has some way to run, and more revelations no doubt. But what it has taught me, old photos are important and were taken to be looked at.


Julie said...

That's why pictures are so very priceless indeed, they say so many things, thousands of words and memories in one small picture. So nice to have them and treasure them.

Jay said...

If you need any cat pictures, just let me know.

Mark said...

Unfortunately, Jay, I did come across some pictures of verm... sorry, I mean cats. I'm pleading tempory insanity at the time.

Mark said...

It's certainly a pandora's box when you start on something like this, and you're right, some memories have been very carefully locked away for good reason, and it just takes one picture to unlock the door.

jane said...

Before my aunt passed away in December, I was fortunate enough to go thru her family photo album with her. She told me stories about each picture & now, I have those stories embedded in my mind, whenever I look at those pictures. You're creating a legacy of pictures for your daughters.

James said...

Splendid post, Mark. Too soon our loved ones move on or pass on and memories and photographs are all that's left.

Jane, be sure and jot those memories down somwhere with the pictures so they are not lost with you.